Wednesday, 19 August 2009


The lovely Zoe was kind enough to give me the "Adorable Blog Award" along with the tag to list 5 things I'm obsessed with. So, here it goes!

Headbands. You can see only a few of them, the one with the little doll is one of my favourites! I like how they add a little something to every outfit!

Lip balm. I have found my Holy Grail in lip balms (Carmex) but I cannot stop buying other ones as well. I'm a sucker for small and cute packaging! Above are two of my latest acquisitions from New York.

Dinosaurs. Don't ask me why, but one day I knew I had to start collecting small, plastic dinosaurs. So I did.

Project Runway. Come on, need I say more? It premieres tomorrow and I seriously can't wait!

My newest crafting project, upcycled fabric necklaces. Above is a sneak peek of the first one, made with an old t-shirt, lace and buttons. I have a million ideas for more!

It's my turn to pass the award to the following bloggers. I cannot be sure who already has it, so please ignore me if you do!


This award is for you girls!


HoneyBunny said...

Oh how lovely! Enjoyed reading your answers, I love headbands too:)

Κατερίνα said...

Euxaristo poliiii, poliiiii......8a kano ena huge post(feugo gia kriti aurio).......sou eipa euxaristo???euxaristoooo!!!!!


Mairyliscious said...

mou aresei pou exeis fantasia me to pws na xrhsimopoieis ta ylika!

Diana said...

thank you!! i already have it but i'll take it again ;)

ToKataifi said...

sinxaritiria gia to award sweety... :)

telia ta silogi apo plastika dinosavrakia??? nerd cool!

perimenoume gia ta crafting projects sou ;P

ONiC said...

pretty much like my obsession. esp headband. cant get enough. also the lip balm idk why.

Zoe said...

wow..I so love everything u posted esp.the lip palms , they look so vintage^^nice post~

Aya Smith said...

Good luck on your project, I imagine the outcome will be completely gorgeous! :)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I totally want to start a dinosaur collection...but I'm supposed to be working on my horse collection.

♔Jaimie said...

i love project runway too! i almost missed it last night but luckily i rememberd just in time!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I just love upcycled pieces!