Saturday, 5 September 2009

The one with the cupcakes

I went for coffee to a friend I haven't seen in a while, so it was cupcake time! I admit I had to make them from a box as I was pressed for time, but they weren't too shabby!

First, I lined the muffin tray.

Next step, make the cake. Mix together the powdery stuff, an egg and 2 tablespoons of water.

Whisk away!

Then, divide the mix equally to each cupcake liner and bake. I only made 9 out of 12 so I filled the empty cups with water in order to bake evenly.

While they were in the oven, I started making the frosting. I was in a green mood.

The cupcakes were ready after 12 minutes. I (messily) spread the icing and scattered sugar flowers and sprinkles on top, my favourite part!

Ta-da!! I realise the process is too simple to document, but I really enjoyed baking and photographing simultaneously. And look, I saved one for you!


Marietta said...

Ti omorfa pou ta ekanes!! I'm impressed! Erotisoula:to frosting to ekanes me axni zaxari kai xroma i 8elei kai kati allo mesa? Den exo kanei pote!
An sou aresoun pantos ta cupcakes kai psaxneis kai gia enalaktiki diakosmisi, des afto to blog pou vrika simera kai latrepsa!

Gabbi said...

Yum Natalie! I love your green frosting with sprinkles especially... I wish I could make some cupcakes here to but it's so HOT that turning on the over would be horrible. Looking forward to fall so I can bake again :)

Wishing you a lovely weekend!

natalie said...

S'euharistw poly Marietta! :) To kouti eihe mesa meigma gia frosting (i aspri skoni), egw apla prosthesa to xrwma kai elaxisto nero. Nomizw gia na stathei to frosting tha thelei kati parapanw apo zaxari kai nero, aspradia augou p.x.

Tha to tsekarw to blog opwsdipote! xoxo

Thank you darling Gabbi, it's hot here too, can't wait for the weather to cool down. I'm looking forward to seeing your cupcakes! Have a fab weekend as well! :)

Viv said...

Oh that looks good, I wish I could have a bite!

I never cook or bake anything, but for some reason I feel like making some cupcakes, tomorrow I will go shop for some mixing and everything else to be honest, I hope they come out as good as yours.


*Constance said...

miam...m anoikses tnv oreksn!fainetai oti sou petyxan!pote 8a mas keraseis??

Κατερίνα said...

Eides an pianoun ta xeria sou???k wraia kosmimata ftiaxneis k cupcakes!!!teleia....!!!


Penny said...

ah ah!cupcakes!i ll try out the recipe although i m quite lazy in the kitchen department

Diana said...

you did a good job! they look delish!

muchlove said...

yum! They look really good!

Jo said...

Aaaaax. to xrwma pou to vrikes? teleia fainontai, sugxaritiria talantouxo koritsi!!!

Christina said...

mmmm tasty!

daisychain said...

yummy, those mixes remind me of being a little kid!

Ann Pajuväli said...

GOSH, i have to find mu cupcake stuff, and make something sweet for todays evening!!

Conversation Pieces said...

Super cute... I want to get baking now :)

Mairyliscious said...

ti teleia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

THEY ARE GREEN! my favorite color for cupcakes, aside from orange-red, for some reason.