Tuesday 14 April 2009

Soup in the summer

Ok, it's not technically summer yet, but the weather here has been so sunny and hot it's hard to tell the difference! Despite that, I decided to make carrot soup for lunch today. I found this recipe from one of my favourite blogs, carrots were sitting in the fridge, so why not?

It really is a great recipe, and I highly recommend it. Pretty easy and quick too. What I did differently was that I let the onions brown a little before adding the carrots, and that I added more herbs: a pinch of pepper, chilli powder, curry and a saffron thread.

I'll be the first to admit that it does look like baby food, I should have left more liquid in it. But, it was indeed yummy! After serving I added some chopped roasted red peppers, drizzled a little olive oil, scattered some croutons and enjoyed it along with a grilled cheese sandwich.



karmologyclinic said...

the link to the recipe doesn't work and I need this recipe because I have a bunch of carrots that will go bad!

Tessa said...

Ooh, that sounds yummy!
It is super hot here also, and I keep calling it summer too. :)

natalie said...

karmologyclinic, thanks for pointing it out- figures I'd mess it up! It works fine now. :)

Tessa, I'm not a fan of super hot weather, urgh. I dread the heatwaves...