Thursday, 24 June 2010

Lavender days

This lovely box arrived yesterday in the mail. You can imagine my excitement! Recently, I won a giveaway by the lovely Christina over at her blog. Christina is an Aromatherapy and Rejuvenance therapist and she also makes natural aromatherapy products. Needless to say, the minute I opened the box my whole house filled with a lavender scent!

So, here are the items I received, one by one. Beautiful packaging and amazing smell!

A sweet pouch filled with lavender! This will go straight to my underwear drawer until I think of ways to use it.

Almond sweet carrier oil. Thanks to a very detailed email Christina just sent me, this oil is organic so it can also be drunk!

Mmmm, handmade body scrub! Loved the glass jar and really can't wait to use it! So luxurious and don't you just love the way your skin feels after a good scrub?

Last but not least, lavender oil. You can use this for massages, baths and millions of other uses.

So, thank you Christina for your wonderful gifts! For the girls in Athens who wish to know more about her therapies and handmade products don't forget to visit her very informative page.

Until next time, have a great weekend!

Monday, 21 June 2010

Wear a book

Haven't you always wished you could wear your favourite book and show-off your literary savviness? Well, now you can! Out of Print Clothing does exactly that. They sell iconic book covers (some out of print, hence the name) printed on soft, vintage-looking t-shirts. Plus, you can actually feel extra good about your purchase! From their mission statement:

In addition to spreading the joy of reading through our tees, we acknowledge that many parts of the world don't have access to books at all. We are working to change that. For each shirt we sell, one book is donated to a community in need through our partner Books For Africa.

They have both men and women's styles, and the covers include, besides the ones pictured here, such titles as One flew over the cuckoo's nest, Invisible Man, Atlas Shrugged, Naked Lunch and more.

Pretty neat, right? Which one would you choose? It's hard, but I think I'd go with my favourite book, Lolita. Such a great cover!

Until next time, drink lots of fluids.

all photos courtesy of

Sunday, 13 June 2010

A single man

I realise I'm a little late to the party, but I just saw Tom Ford's A single man a couple of days ago and loved it. It's such a tender, beautiful and touching film, highly recommended. Sadly, loss is something everyone can relate to, so this film really struck a chord. I couldn't resist taking a few screenshots, so hope you enjoy them!

Colin Firth is amazing in his portayal of a professor trying to cope with his partner's death, a restrained yet deeply haunting performance. And of course you couldn't help but admire the ladies' perfect make-up and hair and Firth's impeccable suits. Not to mention his glasses!

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is watch it if you haven't yet. Hope the pictures enticed you enough!

Until next time, stay cool.

Monday, 7 June 2010

15 minutes

A short and sweet post to let you know that the moment you've been waiting for with baited breath is finally here: My Q&A at the unofficial etsy featured sellers blog is now online! Read it all here or Darth Vader will kick your butt.

Thank you Lauren!