Always wanted to design your very own black dress?
Continuum does exactly that, by applying an app that allows you to draw your dress and turn it into a 3D model. The people behind this project are Mary Huang and Jenna Fizel in New York. Their initial idea was for the user to design their dress, have it produced in their own measurements and buy it. Unfortunately, the project failed to reach the funding goal, but the ladies promise to keep trying. Nonetheless, make sure to try it, it's really fun to watch your dress take shape. Watch the video below for more info.
toso exypni idea!
THANK'S FOR YOUR VISIT!!!! GREAT BLOG!! :))))) www.pulsacoesplanetarias.blogspot.com
wow, what a neat idea! she's a genius to have thought of this:)
eksipno!! poli kali idea! kai mporeis na ftiakseis kati monadiko!
very cool app too bad they didnt get the funding! DO you know some more cool apps that I should get I just got my iphone so I am pretty new with that ;)
nic eblog btw!!
Gorgeous idea :) Love the video!
www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3
Thanks for dropping by my blog. ♥
This concept is fantastic, but I guess the mainstream consumers are not ready for it yet. They still just wanna buy mass-produced items! ;)
The Cat Hag
That's a great idea, too bad that they didn't get funded.
Thanks for dropping by hun, how are u? seems like I have been away for ages^^;
This is really neat!
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