Friday, 24 December 2010
Merry Happy

Monday, 13 December 2010
14 Actors Acting

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

You can submit your own findings, plus you can buy their magazines and books online. For photography enthusiasts, they have a special book about found Polaroids, which goes straight to my Christmas wishlist.
So, take a moment or two to browse their site and next time you're in a supermarket, a bar or the library, keep an eye out for these tossed away treasures. They might make your day.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown

Monday, 1 November 2010
Hotel Chevalier
The setting and atmosphere is beautiful, and the chemistry between Portman and Schwartzman works great. When watching this again today for this post, I fell in love all over again with the 1969 song Where do you go to my lovely by Peter Starstedt, which really helps set the mood for this film, although that's to be expected of Mr. Anderson, his films always have gorgeous music. Pure vintage goodness.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Another day, another tag

The lovely Elviella tagged me recently (by recently I mean over a month ago) to answer 8 questions. I'm really, really late but finally, here they are. Feel free to tag yourselves!
I don't know if it's about relatability, but one of my favourite book characters is T.S. Garp, from John Irving's The world according to Garp. A gem of a book.
2. Which is the physical characteristic that you always pay attention to when you see people? (e.g. I ALWAYS remember what people's hands look like)
I think I always notice the hair.
3. Three things that annoy you to no end?
Only three? That's tough. Let's see: a) rude people who push and shove you in buses and trains.
b) rude people who ignore the smoking ban. c) rude people who don't smile or say "thank you" and "please". You can see a pattern, right? Rude people annoy the crap out of me.
4. Who is your favourite band/singer currently?
Right now, it's Mumford and Sons. I'm listening to them non-stop.

5. Which is the first thing you do when you get in the internet?
Check my e-mail. Doesn't everyone do that?
6. Which is the latest film you've watched?
Buried, which was brilliant.
7. Something you really are looking forward to?
8. A thing you really have to do that you've been neglecting?
I'll be back soon! Until next time, watch Terriers!
This post is supported by Online Diamond Jewelry Store
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Tote Giveaway!

Roomy and practical, it has a zippered pocket on the back, one inside plus a handy compartment for your cellphone. The giveaway is open worldwide and all you have to do is leave a comment here until October 24.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Penelope Tree

She has been a favourite of mine for a long time, and wanted to dedicate a blog post to her. She looks amazing in her photos and although she stays out of the spotlight and rarely gives interviews, she still maintains her fashion status quo and is quite inspiring today.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Friday, 3 September 2010
The edge of love

Saw The Edge of Love the other night, and although I didn't really like it, it was pure screenshot material. The film was made in 2008, directed by John Maybury, starring Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller, Cillian Murphy and Matthew Rhys. Set in World War II, it's basically the story of the two women, connected by their relationship to Dylan Thomas.
Thursday, 19 August 2010

Last summer, while strolling in London, we came across the National Portrait Gallery, near Leicester Square. There was an exhibition inside, the BP Portrait Award, which celebrated its 20th year. The art was incredible, especially for an avid lover of portraits such as myself. I find portraits compelling and incredibly beautiful, a strong face is so interesting and can evoke a plethora of feelings and memories. They also carry a nostalgic vibe, as I find them reminiscent of a bygone era before photography was an option, where people used to sit for hours for their oil portraits.
We had an amazing afternoon there, and I'm glad I bought the gallery's booklet which is filled with some of the most interesting portraits of last year's contest. The photos of this post are taken from the internets, as my scanner won't cooperate. You can check the credits at the end of the post, and also make sure to see this year's entries as well.

Thursday, 12 August 2010
Let's go to the mall
Wednesday, 11 August 2010

I'll be back later today with a "Yes, I went shopping yet again" post. What can I say, the sales got me.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Book Giveaway

This is my 100th post and I thought we'd celebrate with a giveaway. Cool, yes? The prize is a book this time, Atonement by Ian McEwan. Here's the summary from Amazon in case you're not familiar with it:
The novel opens on a sweltering summer day in 1935 at the Tallis family’s mansion in the Surrey countryside. Thirteen-year-old Briony has written a play in honor of the visit of her adored older brother Leon; other guests include her three young cousins -- refugees from their parent’s marital breakup -- Leon’s friend Paul Marshall, and Robbie Turner, the son of the family charlady whose brilliantly successful college career has been funded by Mr. Tallis. Their elder daughter Cecilia is also present; she has just graduated from Cambridge and is at home for the summer, restless and yearning for her life to really begin. In the midst of the long hot afternoon, Briony happens to be watching from a window when Cecilia strips off her clothes and plunges into the fountain on the lawn as Robbie looks on. Later that evening, Briony thinks she sees Robbie attacking Cecilia in the library, she reads a note meant for Cecilia, her cousin Lola is sexually assaulted, and she makes an accusation that she will repent for the rest of her life.
Comment here for a chance to win this paperback. If you follow my blog or tweet about this giveaway leave me a separate comment letting me know. I will gladly ship anywhere in the world but please keep in mind that the book is in English!
Contest ends August 10. Good luck!
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Paris Style

I first discovered My Street Style when they started following me on twitter, a couple of weeks ago. It's a relatively new street style site, where the photographers roam the streets of Paris capturing the style of the people. I love street fashion, I find it so inspiring and refreshing to see what real people are wearing in their everyday lives, so I was really excited to discover a new site about it, and a french one at that!

The site is both in french and in english, and there's also a section for the lucky ones living in Paris to submit their own picture. Oh, and while we're on the subject of street fashion, make sure to check out Streetgeist, to see what people in Athens are wearing.

(I love this guy!)
all photos courtesy of mystreetstyle.fr
ps. This is a scheduled post, so by the time you're reading this I'm probably slapping on sunscreen and refusing to get out of the water, i.e. still on holiday. Excuse me for falling behind on my blog reading-and-commenting! Hope all is well with you. xoxo
Saturday, 24 July 2010
David Sedaris

David Sedaris is one of my favourite writers. His books always manage to make me laugh out loud or tear up while recognizing so many familiar experiences or painful realisations. He's unique in his way of taking the mundane in life and making it the most surreal, hilarious thing you'll ever live or read.
Therefore, I was beyond excited when a couple of years ago he came to Athens for a book signing. He was even lovelier in person, and it was fantastic to listen to him read an excerpt of his book. He signed two books for me, (yes, I brought two books, I'm a nerd) and I vividly remember me having a stupid smile for hours after.

The reason for this post is that I recently bought his book, Me talk pretty one day which chronicles his stay in Paris and his efforts to learn French. Oh, I so can't wait to read it!

"Real love amounts to withholding the truth, even when you're offered the perfect opportunity to hurt someone's feelings"
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
The island
Friday, 16 July 2010

Sunday, 11 July 2010
Size matters

Sales don't start here until Thursday but many stores have already lowered their prices, trying hard to lure customers. I can't speak for others, but their devious marketing strategies worked like a charm on me, and after a trip to the shops the other day I got home with two new pairs of shoes.

Plastic red ballet flats. Dirt cheap and adorable! I have noticed a serious lack in red shoes in my wardrobe, so you can say these were almost necessary.

Luckily, I had my shoes and cupcakes to cheer me up.